Age of Empires IV

  • Genres: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Strategy
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)
  • Studios: Relic Entertainment, Xbox Game Studios, World's Edge
  • Release Date: 10/27/2021

Saddle up your elephants! Age of Empires IV revives the strategic battle frenzy with epic historical escapades and eye-popping 4K graphics.

Gather 'round, ye strategy aficionados, for the time has come to brandish your mouse like the mighty swords of yore! Age of Empires IV has strutted onto the battlefield with the grace of a Persian war elephant in a china shop. Rejoice! The game we've been wistfully yearning for while staring out the window, reminiscing about the good old times when luring a boar was the height of excitement, is back!

But do not fret, my fellow empire builders, for this is not just some half-baked, let's-throw-in-a-couple-of-wooden-catapults-and-call-it-a-day kind of revival. Nay! This is Age of Empires reimagined, reinvigorated, and rendered in resplendent 4K so sharp you'll need to arm your villagers with tiny glasses so they don't poke an eye out on those pixels.

What, pray tell, sets this gem apart from its predecessors? Well, saddle up your curiosity because we're diving in. This isn't merely a retread of our pixelated past; oh no, AoE IV comes packed with both the cozy blanket of nostalgia and the sizzling fajita pan of innovation. Choose from a smorgasbord of civilizations, each with its own buffet of unique units, technologies, and asymmetrical styles of play that will have you strategizing until the chickens come home to roost – and, trust me, in this game, they most certainly do roost.

Become one with the annals of history! The campaign's like your high school history book decided to ditch the text and instead leap out in a fully interactive experience, complete with cinematic battles and immersive storytelling. You're not reading about the Hundred Years' War; you're elbow-deep in the mud, flinging arrows and commanding knights while some way-too-cheerful narrator explains just how important your skirmish over a handful of berries really is to world history.

Battles? They're as epic as a Shakespearean monologue with twice the action and none of the iambic pentameter. Every skirmish feels like a clash of titans, except that some of these titans wear straw hats and are inexplicably carrying gold back to your strategically placed stockpile. Place your farms, erect your barracks, and most importantly, do not forget to put those villagers to work because, much like in real life, a lazy peon is a hungry peon.

Let's gab about the landscapes for a tick—diverse doesn't even begin to cover it. You've got deserts, you've got forests, you've even got snow because everyone loves to see an army trudging through the frostbite, right? You'll expand your empire across these sumptuous terrains like butter on fresh toast, except, you know, with more sieges and slightly less butter.

Speaking of eye candy, let's talk about that 4K visual fidelity. It's like the developers decided to bless every blade of grass and stone in the fortress wall with the kind of detail that'd make a jeweler weep. It's so beautiful you'll find yourself zooming in just to watch your little digital denizens go about their workday—until you're rudely interrupted by an enemy battalion that simply didn't have the decency to admire the craftsmanship of your architecture before attempting to raze it to the ground.

Of course, it wouldn't be Age of Empires if it didn't have that delectable mix of the familiar and the new sprinkled on top like a delightful seasoning. We’ve got our classic resource gathering – wood, food, gold, and stone – the lifeblood of your bustling civilization. But now, there’s a smattering of new ways to play, new strategies to unfold, new worlds to conquer, and yes, new ways to inadvertently set your own town on fire if you're not too careful with those siege units (we've all been there).

So, if you're ready to have your mind expanded like a bloated Feudal Age farm, then it's time to journey through history with the finesse of a Mongol horde at a pottery barn. Whether you're a strategy game neophyte or the grandmaster of grand maneuvers, Age of Empires IV is your playground. Gather your resources, sharpen your tactics, and maybe, just maybe, if the stars align and your farms are plentiful, you'll carve a name for yourself in the annals of virtual history. Just remember, keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your trebuchets closest, and you'll do just fine, Emperor.