As Dusk Falls

  • Genres: Point-and-click, Adventure
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
  • Studios: INTERIOR/NIGHT, Xbox Game Studios
  • Release Date: 07/18/2022

Dive headfirst into the small-town drama of As Dusk Falls, where your choices shape the lives of two intertwisted families over thirty years of betrayal and resilience.

Ever imagined what it would be like if your life was an interactive drama, and you held the remote control? Well, tuck into the narrative casserole that is As Dusk Falls, and you'll get a taste of that. This isn't your grandma's soap opera; this is a story where your choices stir up the plot like a spoon in a pot of Thanksgiving gravy.

First off, we’re thrown back to 1998, a year when flip phones were the height of technology, and everybody was still recovering from the fact that Rose didn't make enough room for Jack on that floating door. It’s in these ancient times that we find ourselves in an average small-town in Arizona, which is about to have a very bad day, thanks to a robbery maneuver that goes straight off script.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Robbery in small-town USA? Heard it. Seen it. Got the T-shirt. But hold on to your remote control, folks, because this is where you come in. This game is about as passive as a caffeinated squirrel; you're the one driving this story bus. Every decision you make echoes like a shout in the Grand Canyon, bounding off the walls of these characters' lives with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

We’re not just flicking through the pages of a singular, edge-of-your-seat afternoon - oh no, my friends, this epic unfolds like an onion of drama, layer by emotionally-gripping layer, covering three whole decades. You've got betrayal that strikes quicker than lightning, sacrifices that make you question your moral compass and a resilience that could give those infomercial blenders a run for their money.

And who are you in this choose-your-own-adventure book on steroids? You're everyone and no one. You're the puppeteer of lives across two intense books that feel as thick as a college textbook, but read like a speed chase. You navigate tangled relationships that are more complex than your high school calculus problems.

The characters you steer could give a Shakespearean cast a run for their money. There's enough drama here to fill ten seasons of a daytime soap. Will you make them kiss and make up or burn bridges with the fervor of a Viking at a bonfire? The choice isn't just yours; it's your legacy.

INTERIOR/NIGHT, the studio behind this choose-your-own-path extravaganza, gives you the artistic crayons to color outside the lines—way outside. They're advocating for a wild ride over a scripted railway track, mixing the storytelling prowess of a seasoned bard with the unpredictability of a reality TV show finale.

As you navigate through the tempest of choices and consequences in As Dusk Falls, there exists a strange blend of authorship and spectatorship. It's like you're sitting at a diner, flipping through the jukebox of narrative selection while simultaneously being the chef cooking up the outcomes in the kitchen.

And just when you think you’ve figured it out, the game will slap a plot twist on you so unexpected, even M. Night Shyamalan would nod appreciatively. The beauty of this game is that you can play it again and again, concocting stories sweeter than your grandma’s apple pie or spicier than her secret chili sauce according to your whims.

While you may come for the crime story, you stay for the gripping revelation of how even the slightest action can unspool threads in the fabric of these digital beings’ lives. It's a tapestry of human condition, a pixelated reflection on how tantalizingly fragile our decisions can be.

Is this game worth putting your real life on 'do not disturb' mode for a bit? Absolutely. Whether you're looking to flex your moral muscles, or just want to see digital lives turned upside down faster than a pancake at breakfast, As Dusk Falls delivers a hearty serving of both.

So, grab your remote (or controller) and settle in for an evening of intense narrative gameplay that promises more thrills than the last season of your favorite TV show. Will there be laughter, tears, or a cocktail of both? There's only one way to find out. Fire up As Dusk Falls and let the cascade of consequence and storytelling splendor wash over you like an Arizona monsoon. Just remember, in the world of As Dusk Falls, the dusk isn't the only thing that'll be falling; you might just fall in love with the power of choice.