Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake

  • Genres: Role-playing (RPG)
  • Platforms:
  • Studios:
  • Release Date: 09/07/2024

Classic 1989 JRPG Dragon Quest III gets a swanky new look with an HD-2D remake, because even pixel heroes deserve a makeover.

Once upon a time in the halcyon days of 1989, when hair was big, leggings were fluorescent, and video game graphics were charmingly pixelated, a little JRPG named Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation trotted onto the scene. It captivated hearts and devoured countless hours of youths' lives with its epic storytelling and slimes – oh, so many slimes. Fast forward to today, and we find that this cult classic has decided to slip into something a little more fashionable: the HD-2D Remake.

Now, for those whose brain cells do the tango at the mere whisper of "HD-2D," allow me to dip into the paint pot of knowledge. This is not your run-of-the-mill HD where everything is simply clearer and you can see the individual hairs on a character's head – oh no. HD-2D is like if you invited your game to a masquerade ball; it gives it a spellbinding art style featuring 2D sprites roaming a sultry 3D-esque world. It's a style that was first flaunted by another Square Enix darling, Octopath Traveler, and let me tell you, the gaming world let out a collective “Ooh la la!”

Here, in the lands of the freshly minted Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake, we see the same beloved narrative taking center stage: a young hero (who we’ve long suspected might have had a secret conditioner endorsement deal given the lusciousness of their pixelated locks) sets out on an adventure to save the world from the dastardly archfiend Baramos. Classic stuff. This time around though, our plucky hero and their motley band of followers will sashay across worlds that will make your modern 4K TV weep tears of joy.

Now, let's address the Slime in the room: does HD-2D really make that much of a difference? Picture this: you're strolling through a retro game, nostalgia fogging your glasses, when suddenly – wham! – the scenery hits you with the realism of a mischievous 3D effect that makes you wonder whether you're at home on the couch or actually battling gooey adversaries in a forest. It's gaming enchantment at its finest, trust me.

Combat, as you remember, was turn-based with a twist of strategy, kind of like a cerebral game of rock-paper-scissors where you sometimes throw dynamite. The remake promises to hone that turn-based excitement, pairing it with effects that will likely make each Kaboom spell feel like the Fourth of July in your living room. The game encourages strategic thinking, so don't be surprised if you start adopting the “think three moves ahead” tactic in your everyday life, like strategically picking the shortest line at the supermarket to maximize your chip-eating time back home.

You might be asking yourself, "But witty assistant, what about the music that resonated through my TV’s tiny speakers, making my heart flutter like a trapped butterfly?" Fear not, intrepid gamer! The memorable melodies have been given a grand orchestra treatment – because nothing says “epic adventure” like an ensemble of fifty musicians playing your battle theme.

Speaking of battles, let’s not forget the series’ penchant for puns that are cheesier than a quattro formaggi pizza. The HD-2D Remake stays true to its roots by serving up a feast of wordplay that will have you alternating between groans and appreciative chuckles. You'll meet monsters like the "Crème Caraslime" and visit towns where the locals spout dialogues laced with more puns than a dad joke competition.

If you're a newcomer to Dragon Quest III, never you fear, because the game is as welcoming as an overly friendly neighbor with a penchant for lending garden tools. It's the perfect blend of old-school charm and new-school swag – so even if you weren't there to blow into the game cartridge back in the day, you'll still appreciate the magical merger of yesterday and today.

As we catapult into a future chock-full of technological wonders like virtual reality and, er, smart toasters, it's heartening to see the stories we adored being given a fresh lick of digital paint – not to obliterate the original, but to celebrate it in the glitziest way possible.

So, lace up your adventuring boots, polish your broadsword, and practice your spell-casting flick, because Dragon Quest III: HD-2D Remake invites you to experience a classic in a way that'll charm your armor off. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a fresh-faced hero, this remade quest promises an epic RPG experience with enough sparkle to light up your gaming nostalgia like a well-timed Lightning spell. Game on, noble knight, game on!