Gauntlet II

  • Genres: Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Adventure, Arcade
  • Platforms: DOS, Commodore C64/128/MAX, Amiga, Nintendo Entertainment System, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Game Boy, Arcade, Atari ST/STE
  • Studios: U.S. Gold, Mindscape, Inc., Atari Games, Atari Games
  • Release Date: 12/31/1985

Join the Adventure with New Classes, Challenging Levels, and Hidden Secrets

Gauntlet II, a sequel to the original Gauntlet game, offers an enhanced gameplay experience for NES players. Similar to its predecessor, Gauntlet II is a top-down dungeon crawl game that supports up to four players. However, this sequel introduces new features and improvements that take the gaming experience to the next level.

One of the biggest differences in Gauntlet II is the ability for players to choose identical classes, rather than being limited to a specific class for each joystick. Each player is differentiated by color, so instead of having a "warrior", "wizard", and "valkyrie" as in the original game, Gauntlet II allows players to be a "red wizard", a "blue elf", or a "green warrior", adding a new level of customization.

The game introduces new level designs that provide players with unique challenges. One notable addition is the ability to encounter levels in altered ways by having the play-field turned in steps of 90°. This twist adds a new dimension to the gameplay, requiring players to adapt and strategize in different orientations.

Another exciting feature in Gauntlet II is the introduction of the enemy "It". When a player comes into contact with "It", they become the new "It" and all enemies are drawn towards them. The curse of "It" can only be lifted by touching another player or entering the exit, transforming the level into a thrilling game of tag. This new dynamic adds an element of cooperation and competition among players.

Players can also find special pick-ups that allow them to ricochet shots off walls, adding a new layer of strategy when dealing with enemies. Acid puddles have been introduced as well, causing predetermined amounts of damage to players. Additionally, a formidable dragon enemy now occupies multiple squares and requires multiple hits to be defeated, adding a challenging boss-like element to the game.

To further increase variety, new level elements have been incorporated into Gauntlet II. Players may encounter levels where all walls are invisible, adding an element of surprise and requiring careful navigation. "Magic walls" have also been included, which transform into monsters or items when hit, adding an element of risk and reward. Stun tiles, another addition, briefly stun players upon contact, adding an extra layer of challenge.

Discovering secret rooms adds an exciting element of hidden content to Gauntlet II. Players can find these rooms by completing specific achievements within a level. For example, finding the real exit first can lead to uncovering a secret room filled with valuable items such as food and magic potions. These items provide power-ups such as extra shot power, extra shot speed, extra magic power, extra speed, extra armor, and extra fight power, enhancing the player's abilities.

Gauntlet II is also notable for introducing what is now known as the Gauntlet theme tune. This catchy and memorable tune resembles a simplified Baroque fugue, adding to the overall immersive experience of the game.

In conclusion, Gauntlet II for NES builds upon the success of the original Gauntlet game by introducing new classes, level designs, and hidden secrets. The enhanced gameplay features, such as identical classes, twisted levels, and the addition of "It" and other elements, create an exciting and challenging gaming experience. Whether you're a fan of the original game or new to the Gauntlet series, Gauntlet II offers an adventure that will keep players engaged and entertained.