Golden Axe

  • Genres: Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Arcade
  • Platforms: Linux, Wii, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, DOS, Mac, Commodore C64/128/MAX, Amiga, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Arcade, Atari ST/STE, TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine, WonderSwan Color
  • Studios: Virgin Mastertronic, Telenet Japan, Bandai, Sega, Team Shinobi, Tec Toy
  • Release Date: 01/26/1989

Join a warrior, a dwarf, and a sassy sorceress in an epic quest to defeat Death Adder! Magic, mayhem, and mystical creatures await in every pixelated corner.

Once upon a time in a pixelated realm far, far away, there loomed a baddie named Death Adder who was the epitome of a fantasy gym rat gone rogue. His underlings, a motley crew of club-toting brutes, skeleton wannabe influencers, and knights in less-than-shiny armor, were about as charming as a tax audit. It was up to a trio of unlikely heroes—the hulk with a heart, Ax Battler; Gilius Thunderhead, the dwarf with a stormy disposition; and Tyris Flare, the enchantress whose glare could melt glaciers—to crash his party of doom.

These valiant warriors didn't just walk through the haunted realms—oh no, they strutted. Each step was an invitation to a dance of destruction, with their weapon of choice being the most lethal disco stick you've ever seen. But why just slice when you can leap with the grace of a caffeinated gazelle? And for those feeling extra, they could unleash their inner sorcerer. Those spells, my friends, were the A-listers of the arcane; VIP passes to a magical beat-down that made the screen tremble with pixel-power.

The secret sauce to these supercharged sorceries was none other than blue 'magic potions,' a mystical energy drink for the fantasy fighter's soul. These weren't just lying around like free samples at a supermarket though. You had to earn them by giving a swift boot to some very uncooperative sprites who guard these fizzy blue concoctions like their life depends on it. After a good kick, the potions were yours, and it was time to make the screen erupt in a fireworks display of magical carnage.

Ax, the bro with biceps bigger than his backstory, was all about that geology vibe with earth spells that rocked opponents' worlds. Gilius brought the thunder with an enthusiasm that would make Thor's hammer seem like a kiddie toy, while Tyris lit up the room, literally, with her fire magic that could roast marshmallows from a mile away. Each had their special magic meter faster than a smartphone battery drains, forcing players to strategize their potion pickups and kicks.

But what's a fantasy quest without a little traffic congestion? Golden Axe offered up bizarrians, the Teslas of the mythical age, sporting natural seat warmers in the form of dragon scales. See a snoozing monster or knock a baddie off their ride? Time to saddle up! The Cockatrice was your entry-level steed with a tail whip that could send enemies flying like ragdolls in a tornado. And if that wasn't enough, you could upgrade to the Ferrari of mythical beasts, the dragon. These bad boys came in two models: the spitfire edition that lobbed fireballs like a pyromaniac playing dodgeball, and the hotheaded variant that doubled as a flamethrower.

Now, if you think this all sounds like a regular Tuesday, you're either living in an alternate reality, or you've spent way too much time in the arcade. Chock-full of action, fantasy tropes, and laughs as you hurl enemies off cliffs or accidentally zap your friends with friendly fire, Golden Axe is a love letter to the coin-operated epics of yesteryear that relishes in the absurd and the over-the-top.

What truly made this game memorable wasn’t just its spell-casting, potion-chugging shenanigans. It was the moments that sparked joy, from the comical yelps of enemies to the outraged cries of players when their last magic potion was snatched just before an earth-shattering spell could be unleashed. It was a perfect storm of nostalgia, eight-bit challenge, and accidental chaos that made every playthrough feel like a rowdy romp through medieval times, minus the overpriced chicken leg and the jousting.

Golden Axe didn't just set the bar for fantasy beat 'em ups—it kicked it over, stole its potions, and turned it into a mythical creature. So grab your nearest sprite, your sense of adventure, and maybe an unsuspecting friend, because it's time to let spells fly and creatures reign in the wonderfully wacky world of Golden Axe.