Kingdom Eighties

  • Genres: Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Strategy, Adventure, Arcade
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
  • Studios: Fury Studios, Raw Fury
  • Release Date: 06/26/2023

Join a rag-tag band of brave kids as they battle against insurmountable odds

Once upon a time, in the picturesque small town of Middleville, things took an unexpected turn. The peaceful atmosphere that had enveloped the town for decades was shattered when a mysterious force called Greed descended upon its unsuspecting inhabitants. It was up to a group of unlikely heroes - a band of brave kids - to stand up against the insurmountable odds and save their families, their neighborhood, and ultimately, their town.

The story began on a seemingly ordinary day. The sun was shining brightly, casting its warm rays upon the suburban houses lining the streets. Children played joyously, their laughter echoing through the air. Middleville was known for its close-knit community, where everyone looked out for one another.

But beneath the surface, dark forces were at play. Greed, a malevolent entity with an insatiable hunger for power and wealth, had set its sights on Middleville. It sought to consume everything in its path, leaving only destruction and despair in its wake. No one knew where Greed came from or how to stop it, but the fate of the town rested upon the shoulders of a group of brave kids.

This rag-tag band of heroes consisted of Tommy, the fearless leader with a heart of gold; Sally, the quick-thinking and resourceful problem solver; Billy, the tech-savvy genius; and Emily, the empathetic and kind-hearted soul who always saw the good in others. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond as they embarked on a perilous journey to confront Greed and save their loved ones.

Armed with their unwavering determination and a few scavenged supplies, the kids ventured into the depths of the mysterious forest that surrounded Middleville. The forest had an eerie air, its ancient trees whispering secrets as the group pressed forward. They navigated through treacherous terrain, facing wild creatures and overcoming nature's hurdles.

As they delved deeper into the heart of the forest, the kids stumbled upon a hidden kingdom forgotten by time. It was a place frozen in the 1980s, a decade known for its vibrant colors, radical fashion, and nostalgic pop culture. Here, they discovered that the spirits of their town's past heroes had been trapped, held captive by Greed's malevolence.

In this retro-themed land, Tommy and his friends encountered various challenges, each more dangerous than the last. They had to solve riddles, defeat enchanted video game bosses, and navigate the treacherous labyrinth of a shopping mall that seemed to go on forever. Along the way, they uncovered relics of the past - Walkmans, Rubik's Cubes, and neon leg warmers - which bestowed upon them special powers to aid in their quest.

However, Greed was not one to be easily defeated. It constantly taunted the kids, using their fears and insecurities against them. But the strength of their friendship and unwavering belief in the power of goodness gave them the courage to persevere. With each obstacle they overcame, they grew stronger, pushing forward even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

In the final showdown, Tommy confronted Greed face-to-face. This battle was not fought with swords or magical spells but with compassion and selflessness. Tommy reminded Greed of the importance of community, of the joy that can be found in sharing and supporting one another. And as Greed wavered, on the verge of defeat, the spirits of the town's past heroes were released from their captivity, lending their strength to Tommy and his friends.

With their newfound power, the kids banished Greed from Middleville, restoring peace and prosperity to the town. The citizens rejoiced, grateful for the bravery and sacrifice of the young heroes. Middleville once again became a symbol of resilience and unity, a town where kindness and friendship triumphed over darkness.

And so, the story of Kingdom Eighties came to a close. Tommy, Sally, Billy, and Emily returned to their normal lives, forever changed by the extraordinary adventure they had embarked upon. The bond they forged in their quest against Greed remained unbreakable, a testament to the power of friendship and the indomitable spirit of youth.

In the end, the small town of Middleville proved that heroes can come in the most unexpected forms, and that even in the face of insurmountable odds, courage, love, and a touch of nostalgia can conquer all.