Metal: Hellsinger

  • Genres: Shooter, Music, Adventure
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
  • Studios: Level Infinite, Funcom, The Outsiders
  • Release Date: 09/14/2022

Demolish demonic baddies on the beat in Metal: Hellsinger, where a killer soundtrack is your greatest weapon in eight levels of hell.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Doom decided to start a band, but instead of instruments, they used shotguns, and instead of a concert hall, they opted for the flaming pits of hell? Well, wonder no more because Metal: Hellsinger is here to turn up the chaos and the volume!

This game is not your grandma's choir practice. Unless, of course, your grandma enjoys shredding a guitar while riding a fire-breathing dragon over a crowd of devilish moshers—which, if she does, she’s probably an unlockable character in this game. Metal: Hellsinger is the love child of rhythm games and first-person shooters (FPS), mixed with a dash of Ars Goetia for that occult flavor everyone’s dying for—sometimes quite literally.

Imagine the scene: You're there, headphones in, fingers a-twiddling, weapon of doom in hand—if you squint, it almost resembles a guitar. And suddenly, a wild riff tears through the air, a beat drops, and so do the demons, because in this game, your shooting aligns with the music, creating a demonic symphony of destruction that would make even the hardest of metalheads shed a tear of joy.

Now, let's talk about these hells. Eight of them, each one personally interior designed by a demon with a surprisingly good eye for apocalyptic chic. We've got fire, brimstone, the classic "river of souls" aesthetic, and some new avant-garde torment trends that are all the rage down below. Each level has its own unique beat, demanding a new set of rhythmic reflexes as you pop, lock, and drop it (and by 'it' we mean a barrage of bullets into the horde of the damned).

Our protagonist? A mysterious figure with a vendetta as deep as the pits they're traversing. Probably listened to way too much heavy metal and thought, "Hey, you know what would go great with this? Nonstop infernal carnage." And who can blame them? With a voice that sounds like it gargles gravel and a burning desire for revenge, they're the perfect avatar for your hellish escapade.

You'll be armed to the teeth with weapons that could double as stage props for a GWAR concert. Each gun, sword, and unholy artifact keeps the beat, so you better believe every reload, every slice, and every demonic headshot will feel like you're hitting that power chord at the climax of a stadium show.

And what would a rhythm-based, hell-stomping killing spree be without a killer soundtrack to match? Metal: Hellsinger features a selection of heavy metal anthems that'll have you headbanging while you're gun-slinging. Imagine the heaviest metal you know; now double it, set it on fire, and invite a choir of banshees for backing vocals. Congratulations, you're getting close to the in-game tracklist.

Don't worry about things getting boring—replayability is a given. You can't just introduce demonic genocide to the tune of thunderous metal and expect people to play it only once. There's always a high score to beat, a rhythm to perfect, and a hellish overlord who didn’t quite catch your solo the first time around.

The enemies? A motley crew of fiends that look like they've been plucked from your most feverish nightmares after a night of expired cheese. Each one is a dancer in your devilish ballet of bullets, perfectly timed to pirouette right into the line of fire, just as the kick drum hits.

Let's not forget the boss battles—throwdowns so epic they could be their own festivals. They're kind of like those rhythm games where the boss's attack patterns sync up to the music, except here you can retaliate with all the pyrotechnics of a Rammstein show.

Critics are raving about how the game lets you shoot with the precision of a metronome and the ferocity of a headbanger. It's the perfect combo for anyone who thinks the only thing missing from the FPS genre was a double bass pedal and lyrics about riding into Valhalla.

So if you've got a penchant for destruction, a love of chaotic beats, and a reasonably good sense of rhythm, run, don't walk, to your nearest purveyor of digital delights and get your hands on Metal: Hellsinger. It's like Guitar Hero, if Guitar Hero involved a swarm of hellspawn and a whole lot of vengeance. Plus, you'll never look at karaoke the same way again. After all, who wouldn't want to scream into the mic while wielding a flaming axe of retribution? Rock on, you dark, rhythmical warrior, rock on.