Microsoft Flight Simulator

  • Genres: Simulator
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
  • Studios: Xbox Game Studios, Asobo Studio
  • Release Date: 08/16/2020

Experience the skies like never before in Flight Simulator’s expanse—from sunshine to rainstorms. Chuckle as you navigate the not-so-friendly skies!

Alright, aviators and armchair pilots, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take-off as we jaunt through the virtual skies in the laugh-a-minute world of Microsoft Flight Simulator. This isn't your grandpa's flight school—unless your grandpa was flying rubber chickens across the Atlantic.

As the latest installment of the series hits the runway, gamers and flight enthusiasts are clambering into their virtual cockpits to test the aerodynamics of their funny bones. From the nimble dandelion fluffs of the light plane category to the colossal airborne whales known as wide-body jets, there's an aircraft waiting to tickle your fancy—and possibly your fears of accidental water landings.

Picture this: you're flying over the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower, or even the mysteries of Area 51, when suddenly, you're blindsided by a rogue flock of geese. You can almost hear the "honk honk" over the roar of the engines, and you think to yourself, "This would never happen in a train simulator." Ah, the whims of the flying world, where every cloud might just have a goose-shaped lining.

Flight planning in this simulator rivals a game of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" for its impromptu hilarity. Plot a course from Poughkeepsie to Timbuktu, because—why not? The world is your comedic canvas, and it's waiting for your brushstrokes, or, in this case, your contrails. Get ready to experience authentic comedy in real time, whether you're dodging lightning bolts or basking in the virtual sunshine of a perfect simulated day.

And then comes the night flying—oh, the night flying! With stars twinkling like the eyes of your audience as they wait for the punchline, it's hard to tell if you're ascending to heaven or just to 30,000 feet. You know it's a simulation, but you half expect to see little E.T. cycling across the moon. Remember when night flying just meant not being able to see your keyboard because you lost your desk lamp? Those were simpler times.

But from thrills to meteorological spills, this simulator's got it all. Got a fear of thunderstorms? Face it head-on with virtual ones that don't just shake your plane but also your faith in autopilot. The realism is so palpable that you might just find yourself wearing a lifejacket as a precaution against virtual water landings. And let's not forget winter conditions, where every takeoff is a slip-n-slide adventure, and the de-icing is as serious as a pie in the face.

Microsoft Flight Simulator has built-in multiplayer, which means you can now share your air-bound antics with others. Imagine the hijinks as a squadron of virtual pilot pals plays tag through the Grand Canyon, narrating their maneuvers in accents ranging from "British aristocrat" to "duck." It's like forming your very own flying circus, minus the lions and tightrope walkers—unless there's an Easter egg we haven't found yet.

For those wanting to keep it real, the Live Weather feature ensures that no two flights are quite the same, just as no two jokes land quite the same way with an audience. Soar above the Earth, your aircraft buffeted by the winds of change, or at least, the winds of an unexpected cold front. Remember that time you tried to land in a hurricane for kicks? Virtual insurance, meet virtual claim form.

For those after the nostalgia factor, this game is steeped in callbacks to a simpler era when flight simulation meant pixelated landscapes and the imagination had to do the heavy lifting. Now, every terrain is rendered in such heart-stopping clarity, you'd swear you could reach out and touch the mountaintops—if, you know, you weren't hurdling past them at several hundred miles per hour.

So gear up for turbulence—both the kind that bounces your plane around and the kind that comes from belly-laughing too hard. It's the kind of treat where you learn about aerodynamics, weather patterns, and maybe, just maybe, how to make an emergency landing on a virtual golf course because you overshot the runway.

Microsoft Flight Simulator lets us take to the skies without risking the sun melting our wings—or our wax, if you're into Icarus metaphors. Keep your tray table stowed and your window shade open, because the view, peppered with absurdity and unexpected turns, is just too good to miss. And who knows? Maybe you’re just one virtual barrel roll away from becoming the Red Baron of the comedic skies.