No Rest for the Wicked

  • Genres: Role-playing (RPG)
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
  • Studios: Moon Studios, Private Division
  • Release Date: 07/03/2024

Ori's creators take a dark turn with a new Action RPG bound to redefine precision and excitement in gaming.

Once upon a midnight dreary, the wizards of Moon Studios pondered, weak and weary—how to concoct a fresh gaming experience that would leave their fans in raptures. Then, in their cauldron of creativity, they stirred up something utterly unexpected: "No Rest for the Wicked," an Action RPG garnished with a generous pinch of precision and a seemingly endless supply of adrenaline-pumping action.

Fans of the ethereal and critically acclaimed journeys through the forests of Nibel and Niwen, namely "Ori and the Blind Forest" and "Ori and the Will of the Wisps," may have thought that Moon Studios would forever frolic in the fantastical. However, in a twist worthy of an M. Night Shyamalan flick, these conjurers of whimsy have traded their twinkling aesthetic for a cloak of darkness that is as alluring as it is mysterious.

About as subtle as a sledgehammer to the kneecaps, "No Rest for the Wicked" rips onto the screen with a heavy metal riff and an attitude that says, "I've come to chew bubblegum and kick butt—and I'm all out of bubblegum." With visuals that blend the aesthetic of a grim Victorian alleyway with the occasional splash of neon (because why not?), players will be forgiven for thinking they've stumbled into a Dickens novel after a radioactive spider bite.

No more hopping around as a cute, luminous bunny-rabbit creature—this new gauntlet throws you into the grimy boots of a hero who, let's face it, probably doesn't smell like sunshine and daisies. Brandishing more weapons than a Swiss Army knife at a cutlery convention, you'll slash, dodge, and vault with the precision of a Swiss watch—if that Swiss watch were particularly angry and out for vengeance.

But don't think that because we've gone all Charles Bronson on you, there's any lack of that Moon Studios magic. Oh no, the charm is there, lurking under the surface like a lovable swamp creature itching to buy you a pint. The storytelling? As gripping as a vice with stage fright. The gameplay? Tighter than the lid on a pickle jar that's been superglued shut. The villains? So delightfully wicked you'd half expect them to twirl their mustaches—if they hadn't already been sliced off in a flurry of your blade, that is.

In "No Rest for the Wicked," each level is like a painting—if that painting were designed by a mad artist who loves saw blades and death traps as much as Bob Ross loved his happy little trees. You'll leap and fight with the sophistication of a ballerina—if that ballerina were mixed with a Navy SEAL and a dash of a tornado. As you progress, the bodies of your enemies stack up like the worst game of Tetris ever, providing a grim testament to your devilish skills.

With a combat system so refined it should wear a monocle, "No Rest for the Wicked" has you dancing through enemy attacks like a gazelle in a tutu dodging raindrops. You'll feel every hit, every close shave, and when you pull off that perfect combo, you might just feel the urge to stand up and take a bow—or at least high-five your cat (who has been watching with judgmental indifference from your couch).

The soundtrack, you ask? Picture this: a choir of chainsaws serenading a ballet of explosions, conducted by that one cool teacher who let you play video games in class. It's a symphony of chaos that somehow harmonizes with the clanging of your sword and the orchestral swells as you unlock new abilities that make you feel invincible—right up until you get skewered by a rogue spike because you were too busy gloating.

Moon Studios, with their signature flourish, have once again defied expectations and turned the Action RPG genre upside down, shaken out its pockets, and sent it home with a note saying, "Be more like 'No Rest for the Wicked.'" This new title is not just a game, it's an experience—a dark, thrilling ride through a world that won't just grip you; it'll tie you to a rocket and send you to the moon.

So to every fan of "Ori" who thought they knew what to expect from the studio with storytelling prowess and visual splendor, think again. "No Rest for the Wicked" is here to slap you with a gauntlet and challenge you to a duel at dawn (or whenever you turn on your gaming device). Get ready to embark on a journey where beauty meets brutality—and where, apparently, there is truly no rest for the wicked.