
  • Genres: Shooter
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 5
  • Studios: Housemarque, Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Release Date: 04/29/2021

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping roguelike shooter!

Crash-landing on a shape-shifting alien planet? Not exactly the ideal vacation destination, right? Well, that's exactly what awaits our fearless protagonist, Selene, in the action-packed game, Returnal. In this high-octane roguelike shooter, Selene finds herself in a never-ending battle for survival as she faces death again and again, forced to restart her journey each time she falls.

Imagine the frustration of making progress, only to find yourself back at square one after being mercilessly defeated. It's like trying to reach the top shelf of the cookie jar as a kid, only to be thwarted by your height every single time. But hey, that's the beauty of Returnal - it keeps you on your toes and tests your resilience, just like life itself.

What makes Returnal unique is its dynamic nature. The alien planet on which Selene finds herself is constantly changing, shifting its shape like a chameleon on steroids. It's like having a new playground every time you step into the game. You can't rely on memorizing patterns or sticking to a tried-and-tested strategy because, let's face it, this planet likes to keep things interesting.

But it's not just the environment that undergoes constant transformation; your equipment does too. Imagine having a reliable weapon one moment, only to find it transformed into a quirky contraption that shoots rainbows and unicorns (okay, maybe not the unicorns part) in the next cycle. Yeah, that's Returnal for you. It keeps you guessing and forces you to adapt on the fly.

Selene isn't just a helpless damsel in distress, though. She's armed to the teeth and ready to kick some alien butt. The combat in Returnal is fast-paced and intense, much like trying to get to the last slice of pizza before your ravenous friends devour it. Selene can wield various weapons, each with its own unique abilities and playstyles. From devastating shotguns to futuristic energy rifles, you'll never run out of options to obliterate your extraterrestrial foes.

Oh, did I mention the whole "dying and starting over" thing? Yeah, that's a crucial part of Returnal's gameplay. Every time Selene bites the space dust, she wakes up back at the crash site, ready to embark on her never-ending journey again. It's like Groundhog Day, except instead of Bill Murray experiencing the same day repeatedly, you have a badass astronaut battling aliens.

Don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. Each time Selene restarts her journey, she retains some of her progress. It's like when you take two steps forward and one step back, except in this case, it's more like "two steps forward and a slight stumble." The upgrades and enhancements you acquire during your playthroughs can make a world of difference, giving you a fighting chance against the relentless hordes of extraterrestrial adversaries.

Returnal isn't just about repetition and survival, though. It also weaves a mysterious and intriguing narrative through its gameplay. Selene is on a quest to uncover the secrets of the planet and her own past. It's like trying to solve a cosmic jigsaw puzzle while battling aliens at the same time. Talk about multitasking, right?

With its stunning visuals, adrenaline-pumping gameplay, and unique blend of action and mystery, Returnal is a must-play for fans of the roguelike genre. Sure, dying over and over again may sound frustrating, but trust me when I say that the satisfaction of overcoming challenges and unraveling the secrets of this alien planet more than makes up for it. So buckle up, grab your favorite controller, and get ready to embark on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and a whole lot of respawned adventures in Returnal.