Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

  • Genres: Shooter, Simulator
  • Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), Oculus VR, SteamVR, PlayStation VR
  • Studios: Arkane Studios, Bethesda Game Studios, MachineGames, Bethesda Game Studios
  • Release Date: 07/24/2019

Ever dreamt of being a top-notch hacker fighting Nazis in Paris? Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot turns your virtual rebellion into a reality!

Imagine, if you will, a not-so-distant past where your VR headset serves as both a time machine and the ultimate weapon against a horde of relentless Nazis in the electronic boulevards of a virtual Paris. Welcome to Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, where you're not simply playing a game—you're rewriting history with every cybernetic clash and burn.

Now, you may ask yourself, "Self, how did I, a humble lover of all things joystick and pixel, become the Ferris Bueller of 1980's French Resistance?" The answer is simple: MachineGames snapped their fingers and made you the go-to cyber wizard whose keyboard spells are the bane of every tin-can fascist.

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot VR isn't just your regular jaunt through digital landscapes with a few "pew-pew" sounds for good measure. Oh no, this is where you wear a headset and suddenly find yourself in the City of Love. But love is in short supply—unless we're talking about your burning passion for turning Nazi robots into prime scrap metal.

Let's set the stage, ahem: Paris, 1980. The ambiance? Retro chic with a hint of impending doom. The mission? Join forces with the spunkiest resistance this side of the Seine and kick some shiny metal behinds. The best part? Your weapons of choice are the very same monstrosities that the bad guys thought were their A-game—talk about irony, huh?

Cyberpilot, that’s you—hunkered down in a hideout that's got more blinking lights than a disco on New Year's Eve. Your fingers dance across the keyboard, hacking into these gargantuan Nazi machines. One moment you're a ghost in the network; the next, you're the puppet master of a fire-breathing robot dragon—figuratively speaking, of course.

But what's a day in the life of a VR revolutionary, you wonder? It's a little like taking your pet tank for a stroll—except instead of barking at squirrels, you're blowing up Nazi strongholds. And when you're not raining destruction from your steel steed, there’s always the subtle art of flamethrowing. A tip though: don’t stand too close, unless you want to mimic a baguette fresh out of the oven.

Your enemies—bless their cotton socks—are as varied as a box of chocolates, only a lot less sweet and a whole lot more 'explodey'. From armored knights that have seen better days to drones that buzz like pesky flies with a vendetta, you'll never find boredom on this Parisian escapade. Each mechanical monstrosity you control brings new meaning to the phrase "joy ride."

Amidst the chaos of cracking enemy codes and repurposing their toys, let’s not forget the surroundings. Paris, although a battlefield, still breathes that certain je ne sais quoi, with its digital renderings of the Eiffel Tower and cobblestone streets. Every once in a while, you might want to remove your headgear to remember what sunlight feels like; but let’s be real, those Nazis aren’t going to toast themselves.

The camaraderie of the resistance is something to behold too. They may not wield keyboards like sabres the way you do, but these plucky pixelated patriots are the heartbeat of the uprising. They cheer you on as you soar overhead in a hacked drone, making you feel like a celebrity, albeit in a war-torn, alternate-reality city.

But it's not all about blowing things up—although, granted, that is a huge part of it. It’s also about the satisfaction of outsmarting the enemy. Finding the Achilles' heel of every oversized tin toy and using it to our advantage is the name of the game. Strategy, skill, and a pinch of digital daring-do are your tools.

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot is MachineGames' love letter to VR warriors and resistance fighters of old, all wrapped up in a game that pokes insane fun at the notion of serious conflict with a not-so-serious spin. So grab that headset, and let's get hacking, because the Nazis aren't going to unplug themselves.

And as the virtual sun sets on another day of digital defiance, remember: in the world of Wolfenstein, every reboot is a chance to alter the course of history. So tighten that head strap, flex those phalangeal muscles, and get ready to show these 1980s cyber-Nazis what real resistance looks like—one hijacked contraption at a time!