Popular gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun announces winter break until January 2024, leaving fans with scheduled content and a joyful holiday message.

Gaming Website Rock Paper Shotgun Enters Holiday Break

As the year draws to a close, the team at Rock Paper Shotgun, a well-known gaming website, bids farewell to its readers as they embark on their well-deserved winter holidays. The staff, who routinely deliver an array of gaming news, reviews, and features, have urged their audience to refrain from sending emails until they’re back to work in the new year, setting the date for their return to the digital world as Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.

While stepping away from the daily bustle of the gaming industry, the team has not forgotten their audience. In anticipation of the seasonal downtime, a slew of content has been scheduled to entertain and engage their readers throughout the holiday period. This content includes the big reveal of the Game of the Year 2023, scheduled for the final door of their Advent Calendar, keeping in line with the tradition of festive charades. Despite some potential discontent over the selections of the past year, the website is set to unveil extra options with their RPS Selection Boxes, adding a personal touch where each staff member recommends games that might not have garnered spotlight time otherwise.

From December 26th onwards, these hon. menchies, a term affectionally used by the staff, will showcase overlooked titles that deserve recognition. Additionally, year-end roundups, a staple of gaming journalism, will also make an appearance, summarizing the year's highs and lows from reviews to feature articles.

Looking back, 2023 had its share of memorable moments, such as the surprise impact of Hi-Fi Rush. To ensure that readers don't lose track of time amidst the festivities, the website will present a list of the Bestest Best reviews and highlight defining features from 2023 through the lens of guide articles, giving a fuller picture of the year's gaming landscape.

In a gesture of holiday generosity, Rock Paper Shotgun is setting several Supporter-funded posts free for public consumption, with a backlog available under the "From The Archive" tag. For those in the mood for a chuckle or a groan, the website’s annual Christmas Crackers are set to deliver daily doses of festive humor with a side of terrible jokes that even the staff found embarrassing to schedule.

Amid this digital treasure trove of content, the team takes a moment to reflect and reach out from the past, with staff prepping social media reminders and engaging the community in discussions about 2024's gaming resolutions. Suggestions for resolutions range from venturing into unexplored gaming territories to embracing the weird and wonderful aspects of the gaming world. The invitation to share personal gaming goals underscores the community spirit that Rock Paper Shotgun fosters among its readers and staff alike.

As they wind down for a break, the team at Rock Paper Shotgun extends heartfelt holiday wishes to their community while expressing gratitude for the shared moments and support throughout the year. With promises of new experiences and escapades in the year to come, they set a tone of hopeful anticipation for what 2024 holds in store for the world of gaming. The farewell message encapsulates not just the end-of-year sentiments but also marks a pause in the relentless pace of gaming journalism—a well-earned respite filled with the spirit of the season and a playful eagerness for the unexplored potential of the new year.

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Aaron Chisea

Hey there, I'm Aaron Chisea! When I'm not pouring my heart into writing, you can catch me smashing baseballs at the batting cages or diving deep into the realms of World of Warcraft. From hitting home runs to questing in Azeroth, life's all about striking the perfect balance between the real and virtual worlds for me. Join me on this adventure, both on and off the page!

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