Microsoft, post acquisition of Activision Blizzard and Call of Duty franchise, affirms commitment to support gaming community across all platforms, dismissing claims to push Xbox sales.

Microsoft Uninterested in Utilizing Call of Duty for Xbox Sales

An intriguing strategic shift has come into play within the echelons of Microsoft. The tech giant has cautiously started to drift away from a primary focus on console sales over the years, largely becoming reconciliatory in acknowledging Sony's gaming dominance in terms of PlayStation sales. Subsequently, when Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard and the Call of Duty (CoD) franchise, it was naturally assumed that this move would serve as a golden opportunity to narrow down the existing sales gap. However, contrary to these speculations, Microsoft seems to be less concerned about using the CoD franchise as a tool to entice gamers into buying Xbox consoles.

A recent interview with Phil Spencer, the Xbox boss, brings out the company's new policy vividly. While stating this, he emphasized that their primary goal isn’t to use the Call of Duty franchise in an attempt to push Xbox console sales. Furthermore, he posits, Call of Duty fans across any platform will continue to be welcomed even after the acquisition. He shared, "For Call of Duty players on PlayStation, and in the future on Nintendo, I want you to feel 100% part of the community. We have no goal of trying to use Call of Duty to get you to buy an Xbox console."

What was more striking from this statement was the genuineness of it, truly highlighting what Microsoft's acquisition is really about and not about. It is expected that a tech company would want its hardware to sell well and Xbox is no exception. Microsoft still hopes to see a spike in Xbox sales in the coming years. Nevertheless, the plan isn't to force PlayStation out by leveraging franchises like Call of Duty. The entire team seems adamant about this stance, especially after the recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

Microsoft's change in its approach was echoed once again in the course of the interview which is included for viewers to draw their own conclusions. Even so, the overarching question remains - does Xbox, under Phil's leadership, seem genuinely unbothered about using Call of Duty to boost console sales?

This YouTube iframe feature inserted herein showcases some insightful moments from the interview for reader's deeper understanding and interpretation:

Coupled with this, gamers, industry experts and fans of Call of Duty now have a platform to discuss the implications of this hard-hitting interview and share their thoughts about Microsoft's newly adopted stance.

Summarily, it seems Microsoft's direction under Phil Spencer is moving towards creating a broad and supportive gaming community that transcends platforms rather than diving headfirst into the console sales competition. Only time can affirm if this strategy will be beneficial for the tech giant in the long run. However, amidst the speculated cloud of acquiring franchises, Microsoft's emphasis on fostering universally inclusive gamer experiences is an instance of taking a stance that resonates beyond just sales numbers.

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Aaron Chisea

Hey there, I'm Aaron Chisea! When I'm not pouring my heart into writing, you can catch me smashing baseballs at the batting cages or diving deep into the realms of World of Warcraft. From hitting home runs to questing in Azeroth, life's all about striking the perfect balance between the real and virtual worlds for me. Join me on this adventure, both on and off the page!

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