Ubisoft's newest Prince of Persia installment shines on Xbox Series X, achieving up to 120FPS with stunning visual fidelity on all major consoles.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Impresses on Consoles

The gaming world eagerly anticipates Ubisoft’s release of their new title, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, slated to hit the market next Thursday. With press previews already circulating, the reception is overwhelmingly positive, particularly regarding its impressive technical performance across all gaming platforms, and the Xbox Series X is leading the charge.

Digital Foundry, a division well-regarded for its technical analysis of gaming hardware and advancements, recently conducted an in-depth review of The Lost Crown’s performance qualities on various consoles. Their findings suggest that the game has been 'masterfully deployed,' with the Xbox Series X having a bit of an edge in terms of maintaining a closer adherence to the coveted 120FPS benchmark.

Graphics and frame rate are crucial to a seamless gaming experience, and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown takes full advantage of the advanced hardware available in today’s consoles. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, both powerhouses in their own right, offer support for gameplay of up to native 4K quality at 120 frames per second. Despite this high level of graphical fidelity, both consoles demonstrate remarkable performance even with these demanding settings. Xbox Series X slightly outperforms with its consistency in frame rates, but with Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) technology, differences between the consoles become almost indistinguishable.

For those using HDMI 2.1 compatible TVs, the increase in frame rate from the typical 60FPS to 120FPS makes a noticeable difference, offering an even smoother gameplay experience. However, should the 120Hz support on one’s display not extend to include VRR, a stable 60FPS at this resolution still provides an exceptional visual experience that many players will find more than satisfactory.

Transitioning to the Xbox Series S, which caters to the digital-only audience, we see a slightly pared-down output -- the resolution maxes at 1440p with a smooth 60FPS frame rate. Though this doesn't quite compete with the higher-end console counterparts, the consensus is that the Series S still delivers a visually stunning and responsive gaming session. Some may argue that even with a lower spec, there’s potential for the Series S to provide an even better performance, possibly allowing frame rates to exceed 60FPS when paired with a VRR display.