Popular gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun goes on winter hiatus, promising readers a return in January 2024 with fresh content and festive goodies to enjoy during the break.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Holiday Break

The Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS) team is heralding in the winter season with a well-deserved break. They've made the announcement that they will be taking time off for the holidays, and they don't intend to return to their posts until January 2nd, 2024. It is the time of year when everyone winds down, and for the team at RPS, this means stepping away from the treehouse, both literally and metaphorically, since they deem it too cold for their usual workspace.

As the RPS team takes off for their winter holidays, they sent out a light-hearted note to their public relations contacts and readers, advising them not to send emails until they return in the new year. They explain that the cold has driven them off, and perhaps jesting at their bosses, they note that January evidently seems warm enough to be back at work.

But fans of RPS need not worry about boredom in the team's absence. In a testament to their dedication and love for their community, the RPS team has organized a plethora of content to keep their readers entertained over the holidays. On the immediate horizon is the grand reveal scheduled for the next day, promising to unveil the RPS Game Of The Year 2023. Despite the audience's confidence in predicting this winner, the RPS team invites them to join in the fun and tradition.

The RPS Selection Boxes are also something to look forward to. These are personal picks from the staff members, games that didn't make it to the Advent Calendar but still hold a special place in their hearts. In what is a nod to honorary mentions, these selection boxes promise to deliver daily recommendations starting December 26th.

Apart from the game recommendations, the RPS team has planned a series of roundups that reflect on the year gone by. They aim to provide a sense of time and remembrance to their readers, with highlights like the best reviews, feature articles, and guides that defined the year 2023. These retrospectives invite readers to reminisce about the gaming milestones of the year and to see how the landscape has evolved.

An additional treat for RPS supporters is the unlocking of Supporter-funded posts for public reading. These can be accessed through the 'Latest feed' or via the 'From The Archive' tag, which holds an array of Supporter posts from the past, now available for everyone's perusal.

Moreover, in an attempt to spread some festive cheer, albeit with their unique twist, the RPS team promises daily Christmas Crackers. These jokes, described with self-deprecating humor as 'awful,' are scheduled to deliver daily gags that make their readers cringe and laugh in equal measure.

As they sign off for the year, the RPS team does so with whimsy and lightness. Speaking from the 'past,' as they scheduled all their holiday content in advance, they invite their readers to share their gaming-related resolutions for the upcoming year in the comments section. The writer shares their own resolution: to 'play more weird stuff.'

The team extends their gratitude towards their readers and wishes everyone lovely holidays, with a last nudge for them to look after themselves come New Year's celebrations. The anticipation for their return in January is palpable, but in the meantime, the wealth of content and the spirit in which it is given speaks volumes of the camaraderie and community RPS fosters. For many, their 'see you next year' is not a goodbye but rather a bookmark in an ongoing conversation between passionate gamers and the team that serves them.

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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