Rock Paper Shotgun team takes a winter break, promises scheduled content, and reveals their Game of The Year 2023 upon their return on January 2nd, 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Holiday Break and 2024 Return

The popular gaming website and community hub, Rock Paper Shotgun, has recently announced its winter holidays. Following the festive tradition, the team has chosen to take a break and recharge, preparing to welcome the New Year with fresh vigor and a pile of exciting gaming content for their audience.

During this seasonal recess, the virtual doors of the treehouse—Rock Paper Shotgun's emblematic space—will be closed. The team humorously shares that, despite the chill, they are only permitted a vacation until January, as their employers believe the weather will somehow be more forgiving post-New Year celebrations. With the break officially commencing, the staff advises followers not to send emails until they resume work on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024, when they are expected to be back at their virtual desks, albeit with the annual challenge of adjusting to writing the correct year on documents.

The Rock Paper Shotgun team is very aware of the hole their absence could leave in the hearts and daily routines of their dedicated readers—many of whom are likely celebrating the holiday season in their own right. To ensure that no one feels left without their gaming news and musings, the team has prudently scheduled content to keep their audience engaged over the holiday period.

One of the highlighted offerings during the cold days of hiatus is the reveal of the Game of The Year 2023. The announcement is set for a ceremonial unveiling, with all the pomp and fanfare that this annual event deserves. The advent of this reveal has been creating buzz within the community, with many already speculating on the winner. Yet the team insists on maintaining the suspense, likening it to a traditional game of charades common during the holiday festivities.

For those readers who may have felt that their favorite games did not receive due recognition in the past year's coverage, Rock Paper Shotgun has planned a series of Selection Boxes. Each box contains staff picks of noteworthy games that might not have made it onto the celebrated Advent Calendar but deserve an honorable mention nonetheless. Staff members will share their personal recommendations, providing a broader sense of the year's gaming landscape and highlighting titles that have made an impact.

Additionally, the team has decided to take a reflective stance by including a Year In Review roundup that will help readers catch up on the highlights of the past year. This includes a recap of the best reviews given out throughout 2023, a selection of the most prominent features, and an insightful look at the year from the perspective of the site's guides writers. This review serves the dual purpose of jogging memories and acting as a time capsule for the standout moments in gaming for 2023.

An interesting touch is the team’s decision to make Supporter-funded posts available to all readers during the break. This initiative gives all followers access to special content that was previously limited to Supporter tier members, further enriching the offerings available during the staff's absence.

As a lighter note and true to the spirit of the season, the team has a line-up of what they tout as “awful” Christmas Crackers jokes. Promising a daily dose of cringe-worthy humor, these jokes are guaranteed to be so bad they might just offer a sense of perspective on how good the readers actually have it.

The fond farewell from Rock Paper Shotgun comes with a personal touch as the writer reflects on their own holiday and forthcoming busy scheduling duties. They leave their audience with a talk-to-the-hand moment, asking readers to share their game-related resolutions for the coming year in the comments, simultaneously revealing their perennial resolve to "play more weird stuff."

Rock Paper Shotgun's announcement extends a warm gratitude towards its readers, wishing everyone a delightful holiday and expressing eagerness to reconnect upon the team's return. As the post signs off, anticipation buzzes for what gaming wonders 2024 will bring, and with a heartfelt "see you next year," the excitement for January 2nd is palpable.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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