Rock Paper Shotgun team takes a winter break; Game of the Year and special content scheduled during holidays. No emails until 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break and Activities

In anticipation of the winter season, the team at Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS), a popular gaming website, has announced that they will be taking their annual Christmas break. While the concept of working from a chilly treehouse seems less than appealing, they promise their readers a trove of planned content to enjoy during their absence. The break is scheduled to last until January 2, 2024, providing the team with a well-deserved respite from the demands of the busy year.

That said, RPS is not leaving their audience in the lurch. In a pre-break announcement, they've unveiled an array of content set to release during this period. Highlighting the schedule is the much-anticipated Game of the Year 2023 reveal. Despite playful hints that the community may have already caught wind of the winner, RPS maintains a tradition of suspense, teasing yet another exciting announcement amid the holiday festivities. Readers can expect this declaration at 1pm GMT on December 25th, as RPS volunteers to maintain the tradition of suspense, perhaps with a winking nod to the predictability of the outcome.

In addition to the Game of the Year disclosure, there are various "Selection Boxes" to look forward to. These are curated lists where staff members share their personal recommendations, showcasing games that narrowly missed being featured in the Advent Calendar or other lists throughout the year. These honorable mentions, affectionately termed “hon. menchies,” offer readers alternative gaming options and are set to become available daily starting December 26th.

Moreover, RPS plans to reminisce about the year with retrospectives, such as "A Year In Review," where achievements and notable happenings in the gaming world for 2023 will be revisited. For those eagerly keeping track of gaming trends, there is a roundup of the “Bestest Best” reviews, providing a highlight reel of the top games that graced screens in 2023. They also intend to explore how the past year shaped their guide content, offering an insider's perspective on what defined 2023 from the viewpoint of RPS's guides.

As a special treat for readers, previously Supporter-funded posts will be unlocked for everyone. Accessible through the Latest feed or the From The Archive tag, these posts will add to the wealth of content available throughout the holiday season.

In a lighter vein, the annual Christmas Crackers are set to return, providing a daily dose of holiday humor. With a promise of cringe-worthy, yet charmingly awful jokes, there's a sense of eagerness and dread for what the RPS team has concocted for their readers' amusement.

As the announcement winds down, the RPS team extends hearty seasonal wishes to their readers, inviting them to participate in a reflective and endearing tradition: sharing their gaming-related New Year's resolutions for 2024. Whether it's a vow to break away from comfort zones, tackle backlogs, or explore the wild frontiers of indie gaming, the community is prompted to consider the horizons they wish to chase in the coming year.

The team's commitment to engage with their audience, even in their absence, is a testament to their passion for the gaming community. With a blend of eagerness for the upcoming rest and a hint of nostalgia for the year gone by, RPS's readiness for a break is palpable — yet so is their dedication to leaving their readers with a suite of content to round out the year.

And thus, with tasks completed and scheduled posts arranged, the RPS staff steps into their holiday hiatus, chocolate in hand and thoughts already drifting to the next journey through the gaming landscape. With sincere thanks and well-wishes, they turn the page on 2023, beckoning their readers to do the same, and looking forward to reconnecting on the other side of the celebration, slightly hungover, but undoubtedly ready for another year of gaming adventures.

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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