Gaming site Rock Paper Shotgun gears up for winter holidays, teases scheduled content and thanks its readers. New posts and updates will resume in January 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break Plans

As the year winds down and the festive season takes hold, Rock Paper Shotgun, a popular gaming website, has announced that its team is on winter holiday, urging its community not to send emails until the new year. However, fans of the site need not worry about a lack of gaming content. While the team enjoys their well-deserved break, there will still be a plethora of articles for readers to enjoy.

The digital treehouse that serves as the gamers' hub for Rock Paper Shotgun may be too chilly for occupancy during these winter months, but it seems the team has planned adequately for the holiday season. They've made sure to inform their readers that, despite a miscalculation in judging the suitable work environment for January, the warmth of their content will still be felt, as they are set to return on the 2nd of January, 2024.

During this break, the staff at Rock Paper Shotgun has prepared hashtags and content scheduled for release, so subscribers will have fresh reading material. For instance, there's an air of excitement about the final door on their Advent Calendar. Slated for release on a Saturday, it reveals the Game Of The Year 2023. While some eagle-eyed Discord users have speculated on the winner, the team still invites everyone to enjoy the reveal and partake in the festive ritual of playing charades.

For those who have had qualms with their Advent Calendar choices this year, Rock Paper Shotgun offers an olive branch in the form of Selection Boxes. These boxes are a collection of game recommendations that didn't quite make the Advent Calendar but are nevertheless worthy of a mention, and they will be available every day starting from the 26th.

The articles will not just be about games, but also about taking stock of the year that was. There will be roundups of the Bestest Best reviews, a collection of the best features of the year, and insights from the guides team on what trends defined 2023 in gaming. These retrospectives aim to anchor gamers in the year's gaming zeitgeist and reminisce about major events, such as the release of Hi-Fi Rush.

Furthermore, the team has decided to grant access to everyone for content typically funded by supporters, which will be available under the Latest feed as they are published. For those interested in exploring older posts, they can utilize the From The Archive tag, which contains a treasure trove of past supporter-funded content.

Injecting their characteristic humor into the holiday season, Rock Paper Shotgun's annual Christmas Crackers will also ensure that laughter is part of the festive menu. The jests promised are so painfully funny that the staff were embarrassed while scheduling them—a testament to the joyous spirit they wish to spread.

As this note comes from the past, reflective of the anticipatory nature of the holidays, the team also invites readers to engage in looking forward to the new year. They prompt readers to share game-related resolutions for 2024 in the comments section. The author of the announcement shares their own—“play more weird stuff”—and encourages others to partake in the ritualistic declaration of gaming hopes and goals for the coming year.

Rock Paper Shotgun leaves us with a sweet sign-off. Expressing gratitude for the support and engagement of their readers throughout the year, they extend their warm wishes for a wonderful holiday period. As players around the world settle into their gaming chairs, eyes glued to screens, and hands wrapped around controllers, they can find comfort in knowing that come January 2nd, Rock Paper Shotgun will be back, refreshed and ready to continue guiding them through the pixelated landscape of the gaming world. And perhaps, they’ll share in the sentiment that even as holiday cheers fade, the shared passion for gaming and community remains unwavering into the new year.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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