The gaming website RPS is on holiday break, promising scheduled content and returning on January 2, 2024, with festive events and a game reveal.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break until 2024

In the gaming community, it's common for websites and news outlets to take a break during the holiday season. This year, one such gaming website, Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS), has announced that it will be taking a well-deserved winter holiday. The staff has kindly requested that readers refrain from sending emails until they return in the new year, ensuring that the team can fully enjoy their time off. However, they also assure their audience that there will still be plenty of content to enjoy during this period.

What makes the announcement noteworthy is the unique approach taken by RPS. Rather than going completely silent during their break, they have prepared a variety of content to go live in their absence. This indicates a thoughtful strategy in content planning and engagement with their audience. Even as they rest and recharge, RPS is ensuring that their readers have something to look forward to.

One of the highlights they have teased is the grand reveal of their Game Of The Year 2023. The announcement is scheduled for the day after their break starts, creating a sense of anticipation and ensuring that their community has something exciting on the horizon. This glimpse into their planning process hints at the playful and engaging nature of the RPS team, who seem to be as eager to share content with their readers as the readers are to consume it.

Additionally, RPS is providing an array of "Selection Boxes." These are collections of game recommendations from their staff, which include titles that they personally enjoyed but didn't necessarily make it onto their more formal lists. This personal touch adds more diversity to the content and opens up the chance for readers to discover new games they may have overlooked.

Moreover, the team has prepared Year In Review roundups—a reflective look back at the year from various perspectives within the gaming industry. These retrospectives serve not only as a recap of the year's highlights but also as a means to observe the trends and transformations within the gaming world.

In a special treat for their supporters, RPS is unlocking a bunch of Supporter-funded posts to all readers. This move potentially offers a sneak peek to non-supporters into the kind of premium content subscribing members get, which could incentivize readers to consider becoming supporters in the future.

And then there are the Christmas Crackers, described by the RPS staff with equal parts anticipation and embarrassment. It seems these festive jokes are a tradition, offering a light-hearted, humorous break amidst the more serious gaming analysis and reviews. The mention of a Star Trek-themed gag hints at the quirky and fun nature of these crackers, although specifics are playfully withheld to avoid spoilers.

As the announcement winds down, there's a palpable sense of camaraderie and community. The writer speaks from the past, setting up tweets and planning for the holidays while simultaneously hinting at a future where they will be "eating a chocolate and thinking about next year." It's a charming and human touch that invites readers to share their own game-related resolutions for the forthcoming year.

The post concludes with a personal touch, asking readers for their gaming resolutions for the coming year. The author's own resolution—to play more "weird stuff"—suggests a commitment to curiosity and exploration within the gaming landscape, encouraging readers to also think outside the box.

Ultimately, even as they say goodbye for the season, RPS's message is clear: they value their readers and want to make sure their time away from the site is still filled with engaging video game content. Readers are left with a promise of return on January 2nd, 2024, building anticipation for what the new year, and RPS, has in store. The signing off is as warm and personal as the rest of the message, signaling that although RPS is on break, the spirit of the site and its community remains very much alive.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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