Gaming news outlet Rock Paper Shotgun is on winter holiday, promising a return on January 2, 2024, with continued content during the break.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break Until 2024

The well-known gaming news and review website Rock Paper Shotgun has recently announced that it will be taking a winter break. As the cold sets in, the team has decided to close up their digital "treehouse" and enjoy some time away from their screens, but not without ensuring their readers stay entertained during their absence. The staff plans to return fully charged and ready to dive into more game news, reviews, and features on January 2, 2024. Until then, readers are encouraged to refrain from sending emails, as they will be taking a well-deserved rest from their daily correspondences.

Before the team stepped away, they teased their readers with upcoming content that would be rolled out during the festive period. Adhering to the norms of the holiday season, the commitment to provide content even in the downtime reflects the team's dedication to its audience. On the last day of their Advent Calendar, set for tomorrow, they will be unveiling their highly anticipated Game Of The Year 2023, which seems to be the industry's worst kept secret judging by the chatter on Discord. True to the festive spirit, the reveal will be a celebratory moment for both the game's creators and fans, and for the team at the magazine, even if it means adhering to the traditions of the holiday charades.

Furthermore, for those who might have felt that their favorite games didn't get their due recognition over the past year, the Rock Paper Shotgun team has something special in store. The staff will be sharing their personal "Selection Boxes," a series of games that they believe were overlooked or deserved a mention outside the confines of the calendar rankings. These selections will provide a diverse insight into the gaming treasures that the team felt passionate about throughout the year, and will be posted daily starting from December 26th - a treat for the post-Christmas lull.

The retrospection doesn't end there. The team has prepared "Year In Review" roundups to help readers look back at the year's developments in gaming from various perspectives. From a compilation of the Bestest Best reviews to a special feature on what 2023 meant from a gaming guide’s perspective, these roundups promise to serve as a time capsule for the gaming milestones achieved throughout the year.

A festive tradition for the magazine, the "Christmas Crackers" will continue. The team has self-admittedly outdone themselves with the jokes this year, some of which are tantalizingly teased as being embarrassingly bad. Hopefully, these jokes will provide a light-hearted respite and a laugh or two as they are published throughout the holiday break.

In an act of giving, Rock Paper Shotgun has also made Supporter-funded posts freely available to all their readers, allowing broader access to some in-depth game journalism. These posts can be found peppered throughout the "Latest feed" as they are published, or under the "From The Archive" tag for those eager to delve into the archives over the holidays.

Finally, the Rock Paper Shotgun team invites its community to share their gaming-related resolutions for 2024 in the comments section. Whether it's to play more indie titles, to finally conquer that backlog, or to take a deeper dive into competitive gaming, the end of the year offers a perfect moment for such reflections and aspirations.

As they sign off for the year, the team extends heartfelt thanks to their community for the support and engagement they have received. Encouraging everyone to have a lovely few days off, they remind their readers to mark their calendars for their return on January 2, 2024, hoping that the hangover from the New Year's celebrations would have subsided by then. Until that time arrives, there is also a hint of mystery as to what the Rock Paper Shotgun team will be up to during the break - most likely embarking on their own gaming adventures, just like their audience.

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John Hope

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