Gaming site Rock Paper Shotgun is on winter hiatus, urging readers not to send emails until 2024 but promising plenty of scheduled content.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break Until 2024

Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS), a popular gaming website, has announced they will be on their annual winter hiatus, requesting fans and public relations representatives to refrain from sending any emails until they return in 2024. As the cold sets in, the team behind the digital treehouse will be taking a well-deserved break to enjoy the holiday season, returning to their posts on January 2, 2024.

But worry not, avid readers and gamers, as RPS won't leave you high and dry during the festive period. The website has prepared a variety of content scheduled to publish throughout their absence, to ensure their audience remains entertained and informed on the latest in the gaming world.

Tomorrow marks an important day for the site and its community—it's the final reveal of RPS's Advent Calendar which will showcase their Game of the Year for 2023. Despite a consensus among the Discord members who appear to have accurately speculated the winner, the team at RPS invites everyone to join in on the traditional holiday fun and charade to celebrate this year’s top pick, which will be announced at 1 pm GMT.

For those who were less than thrilled with the results of this year’s Advent Calendar, RPS is offering a consolation in the form of their "Selection Boxes." These feature personal game picks from the staff that didn't make it onto the calendar or were narrowly pushed out. Starting from December 26th, these honorable mentions, or "hon. menchies" as the RPS team playfully calls them, will be shared daily.

In addition, RPS is compiling a set of "Year In Review" articles to provide readers with a reflective view of the past year in gaming. This roundup covers a spectrum from the Bestest Best reviews to a collection that the RPS writers find most captivating; the guides team's retrospective analysis on what shaped the year from their standpoint.

Another festive treat that RPS is extending includes the release of several Supporter-funded posts which will be widely accessible. These will be posted in the "Latest" feed as they are published, and readers can also browse the "From The Archive" tag to explore these along with a wider selection of previously supporter-exclusive content.

The Christmas spirit on RPS wouldn’t be complete without a pinch of holiday humor. Their annual tradition of sharing Christmas Crackers continues, with this year's batch of jokes already scheduled and labelled by the team as exceptionally dreadful with an extra dash of cringe—readers are encouraged to dive in for a laugh or a groan.

As RPS is set to bid farewell to 2023, they're invoking a sense of community by inviting their readers to share their gaming-related resolutions for 2024 in the comments section. The staff themselves have resolutions such as "play more weird stuff," an aspiration they aim to uphold each year. With offerings set to grace their platform throughout their break and a final note of gratitude for their readers’ support throughout the year, RPS signs off looking forward to rejuvenated engagement in the new year.

For avid followers of gaming trends and comedic satire, Rock Paper Shotgun ensures their digital presence will continue to resonate throughout the holidays. All that remains is to enjoy the winter treats curated by the RPS team and await their return, refreshed and ready to engage with the dynamic world of video games. Happy holidays to all, and here's to a joyous and game-filled transition into 2024!

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John Hope

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