Popular gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun enters its winter hiatus, promising scheduled content for readers but no staff correspondence until January 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Break Until 2024

As the festive season approaches, the digital halls of Rock Paper Shotgun, a well-known gaming website, will be growing quieter. Just as the world outside slows down to celebrate the holiday season, the Rock Paper Shotgun team is taking a well-deserved winter break. The staff will be out of their virtual office, a space they fondly compare to a treehouse, until January 2nd, 2024. While they will be off enjoying the festivities and cold weather, the team playfully urges their readers to refrain from sending emails during this time.

Games, like many other industries, have a way of embedding themselves into the holiday spirit. Traditions within gaming communities, such as special events, holiday-themed updates, and the excitement around Game of the Year announcements, create a buzz that parallels that of any holiday celebration. Rock Paper Shotgun has its own traditions, and they make sure to leave their readers with a parting gift: a selection of content to keep the gaming discussions alive even during their absence.

On the docket for Rock Paper Shotgun's winter schedule is a lineup of holiday treats meant to satisfy the appetites of their gaming audience. Above all is the reveal of their Game of the Year for 2023. They tantalize their readers with a promised announcement, while humorously admitting that the result may not be as surprising as hoped, likening the anticipation to a game of charades—a nod to another beloved holiday tradition.

For those who may harbor any disappointment with the choices for the Advent Calendar—a regular feature that sparks discussions and sometimes disagreement—the staff will present RPS Selection Boxes. This feature serves as a consolation, offering staff picks of games that didn't quite make the main list but still deserve acknowledgment. These acknowledgement-worthy selections, or "hon. menchies," will supply at least one alternative game recommendation daily from December 26th onwards.

Looking back at the year, Rock Paper Shotgun isn't just focused on what games were played but how they were covered. Their Year In Review roundups aim to provide readers with a sense of closure for the year, encapsulating the best reviews and features. Furthermore, their guides team will provide an overview of what defined the year from their perspective—a reflection on how guides and tips shaped player experiences throughout 2023.

One of the unique aspects of Rock Paper Shotgun's offerings is their inclusion of Supporter-funded posts. During the holiday period, these typically behind-a-paywall posts will be accessible to all readers. There will be a showcase of these posts, along with other Supporter content, allowing a broader audience to enjoy the work funded by the most dedicated members of their community.

Amidst the more serious gaming content, the staff also promises a dose of humor with their annual Christmas Crackers—an offering of holiday jokes that range from the hilariously awful to the outright embarrassing.

With this blend of scheduled posts and festivities, Rock Paper Shotgun's break announcement is both a farewell and a commitment to its audience. The team expresses a quiet excitement for the season and the hope that their readers will have a delightful break as well.

As the writer signs off and steps into their past, they leave readers with a question, asking them to share their game-related resolutions for the upcoming year in the comments section. Their own resolution remains to "play more weird stuff," endorsing the contribution of the unconventional and avant-garde to the gaming world.

The closing message exudes warmth and gratitude, wishing everyone the best for the next few days and handing over a promise of togetherness in the new year. Rock Paper Shotgun's farewell is more than just a temporary goodbye—it's an invitation to look forward to the future of gaming, to anticipate the conversations that will ensue upon their return, and to enjoy the playful spirit that both gaming and the holidays bring. The team will be back on January 2nd, ready to tackle a new year of gaming discourse—hopefully, with their readers not too worn out from seasonal celebrations.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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