Esteemed gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun informs readers of its holiday break, promising plenty of scheduled content until their return in January 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Holiday Break

The gaming community’s trusted source for reviews and news, Rock Paper Shotgun, has officially announced their winter holiday break. Readers are kindly requested to hold off on emails until the team's return in January 2024, but rest assured, there's still an abundance of engaging content to enjoy in the meanwhile.

Rock Paper Shotgun has become a cozy digital treehouse for gamers, but even the staff needs a break during the chilly holiday season. They've humorously noted a scheduling oversight that makes January seem plenty warm for their return to work, marking Tuesday, January 2, 2024, as the day when normal operations will resume. The team also anticipates the common mishap of dating documents with the wrong year, expecting this tradition to persist into the first few months following the new year.

In the spirit of giving and festivities, the team at Rock Paper Shotgun is not leaving its audience without entertainment. They have pre-scheduled holiday content with the affectionate hashtag #content lined up for the days they're away. This includes the grand reveal of their Game of the Year 2023, scheduled for tomorrow, which seems to be an open secret within the community, though the tradition must be upheld.

Moreover, because the team recognizes that not everyone may agree with their advent calendar selections, they're offering additional game suggestions through their RPS Selection Boxes. These posts will feature games that didn't make the calendar but are highly recommended by staff. These selections will become available daily starting from December 26th.

The team also reflects on the year's activities by providing year-end roundups, starting with the Hi-Fi rush and including a summary of the Bestest Best reviews they've distributed. Additionally, they plan to highlight the year from a guides perspective, focusing on what has defined 2023 for their guides team.

A special treat for the readers is the unlock of several Supporter-funded posts, which will be made accessible to everyone during the break. These can be found under the From The Archive tag, alongside other Supporter content now available for all readers.

Furthermore, keeping up with the holiday cheer, readers can expect a series of Christmas Crackers – corny jokes that have become a yearly tradition on the website. The staff humorously admits to being embarrassed by the quality of this year’s jests, surely a series of groans and chuckles await their audience even during the team's absence.

As the post-sign off indicates, this message has been prepared ahead of time, with the staff hard at work scheduling tweets and other social media posts to ensure their readers have a steady flow of content during the holidays. The real-time staff might just be indulging in the holiday spirit, likely enjoying some chocolates and daydreaming about the adventures that await in 2024.

The team encourages readers to share their own game-related resolutions for the upcoming year in the comments section, sharing their own commitment to playing more offbeat and unusual titles. The staff of Rock Paper Shotgun closes their announcement by expressing heartfelt gratitude to their readers and looks forward to reconnecting in the New Year, hopefully without the post-celebration haze of a hangover. With a promise of fresh content and the anticipation of shared digital experiences, Rock Paper Shotgun signs off, ready to embrace the holidays and the boundless possibilities of what 2024 will bring to the world of gaming.

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John Hope

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