Gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun will be on winter holidays, returning on January 2nd, 2024, but leaves fans with scheduled content to enjoy during the break.

Rock Paper Shotgun Announces Winter Holiday Break

Rock Paper Shotgun, a popular gaming website, has recently announced that their team will be taking a winter holiday, urging readers and PR representatives not to send emails until their return in the new year. The holiday period is a time for rest and relaxation, and as the cold sets in, the metaphorical treehouse from which the team operates will be closed. Despite the chilly weather that makes it impractical to work from an actual treehouse, the staff humorously point out that their bosses believe January will be warm enough to resume activities.

The team is scheduled to return after the festivities on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024. In a light-hearted note, they anticipate the common difficulty of adjusting to writing the new year on documents, a small but relatable challenge that many face at the start of each year. As the holidays approach, they express their hope that everyone enjoys the season, regardless of what they may be celebrating.

Although the team will be absent, Rock Paper Shotgun has planned ahead, ensuring that their readers will not be left without entertainment. They've scheduled a stream of content to be released during their holiday break. This includes the much-anticipated reveal of their Game of the Year 2023, slated to be unveiled in what is described as a 'charade', a playful nod to the holiday tradition of playing charades. The community seems to have already guessed the winner, but the official announcement will nonetheless be made on schedule.

Beyond the game of the year reveal, Rock Paper Shotgun has also prepared RPS Selection Boxes. These are essentially alternatives to the regular Advent Calendar, comprising games that the staff felt deserved recognition even though they didn't make it to the main calendar listings. These additional recommendations offer insights into the team's favorite picks that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

To further guide readers through the past year, the website has curated Year In Review roundups. This is a reflective look back at the year's highlights, including the best reviews given by the site, feature pieces, and trends in the gaming guides that defined 2023. For example, they mention how Hi-Fi Rush was a significant game this year, emphasizing that these retrospectives will help ensure that key moments and games of the past year are not forgotten.

In a gesture of opening up their content vault, Rock Paper Shotgun will be making many Supporter-funded posts available to all readers. These posts, typically exclusive, will add to the readily accessible material during the break. To access this special content, readers can look for the 'From The Archive' tag which will list these articles, among others.

As a yearly tradition, the site will continue publishing Christmas Crackers – humorous or entertaining snippets – one for each day of the holiday period. The promise of exceptionally terrible jokes is made, arguably setting a low bar that will likely ensure they overdeliver in humor value.

Lastly, as the post is written from a position in the past, the author shares that they will be prepping a slew of Tweets to keep readers informed about the upcoming content. They also open the door for the community to engage by asking readers to share their game-related resolutions for the upcoming year, 2024.

Rock Paper Shotgun's holiday message concludes with a personal note from the author, reflecting on their own resolution to play more "weird stuff," reiterating a long-standing personal goal that aligns well with the exploratory nature of gamers. Wishing the readers well, they express gratitude for the support over the year and share anticipation for the next year's gaming adventures. With that, the post sends off the audience with warm regards, encouraging everyone to embrace the holiday spirit and to tune back in when Rock Paper Shotgun returns on January 2nd, only somewhat jokingly hoping that their readers won't be too hungover to enjoy the new year's gaming landscape.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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