Popular gaming news site Rock Paper Shotgun announces its holiday break, promising a return with fresh content in 2024. Fans can anticipate continued updates during the holiday season.

Rock Paper Shotgun Embarks on Winter Holidays

Rock Paper Shotgun (RPS), a well-known name in the realm of gaming journalism, has announced its annual winter break. As the chilly winds and holidays roll in, the dedicated team behind RPS is taking a well-deserved rest, leaving their virtual treehouse until the new year. Their absence is not unnoticed in the gaming community, but fans can rest assured that the team will return to their posts on January 2, 2024.

During their break, the team humorously acknowledges the habits of coat-clad PRs reaching out through the cold, and they remind us of the typical new year adjustment period where the wrong date is often penned as time shifts from the familiar to the new. As the RPS crew bundles up and reflects on a year of gaming coverage, they invite their audience to take comfort in the season's festivities and enjoy their own holidays, whichever they may celebrate.

But RPS isn't leaving its followers in a content freeze. True to their nature of continuously engaging with the gaming community, they have prepared a platter of hearty content to tide fans over. As a yearly tradition, RPS has set up an Advent Calendar, with its final unveiling planned to reveal the Game Of The Year 2023. While many loyal readers may have already guessed the winner, the anticipation is still part of the holiday joy.

After Christmas, additional treats await RPS fans. These include the RPS Selection Boxes, a collection of notable games curated by each staff member—games that narrowly missed featuring in the Advent Calendar but still hold a special place in their digital hearts.

The team also takes a nostalgic look back at the year with RPS Year In Review roundups. Here, they revisit the Bestest Best reviews, reflect on feature highlights, and explore the trends that shaped 2023 from the perspective of their knowledgeable guides team. It's a way to cap off the year with a collective memory of the pixels and stories that left a mark on the community.

Support is a pivotal part of the RPS ecosystem, and to celebrate the year-end, a slew of Supporter-funded posts will be made accessible to all readers. Diving into the 'From The Archive' tag, both supporters and the general public can indulge in the enriched content crafted by the RPS team.

But an RPS holiday break would not be complete without a dash of humor—enter the Christmas Crackers. Promised as an array of the cringiest, most groan-inducing jokes, these festive quips are sure to offer a laugh or groan each day of the holiday season. It’s the RPS team's playful way of sharing joy and a reminder not to take everything too seriously.

As the team prepares for their break, engaging in the behind-the-scenes orchestrations of tweets, post scheduling, and last-minute arrangements, they open the floor to their community. In a nod to the participatory culture that RPS fosters, they prompt readers to share their gaming resolutions for the coming year in the comments. The theme this year for one RPS staffer is 'play more weird stuff,' an echo of previous years and a testament to their enduring passion for gaming's unique corners.

RPS signs off with gratitude, looking forward to reconnecting with their readers in the following year, with a tender hope that the return from the festive season isn’t marred by too severe a hangover. It’s clear that Rock Paper Shotgun's heart beats in sync with the gaming community, ensuring even during their silence in these holiday times, their presence remains potent, like the comforting background hum of a favorite game left on pause.

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Aaron Chisea

Hey there, I'm Aaron Chisea! When I'm not pouring my heart into writing, you can catch me smashing baseballs at the batting cages or diving deep into the realms of World of Warcraft. From hitting home runs to questing in Azeroth, life's all about striking the perfect balance between the real and virtual worlds for me. Join me on this adventure, both on and off the page!

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