Assistant editor Stephen shares his favorite 2023 games, from indie gems to epic fantasies, that shine on PS5 and PS4, offering a diverse gaming experience.

Stephen Reveals His Top 5 PS5 and PS4 Games of 2023

The gaming landscape of 2023 has been nothing short of spectacular, with an abundance of titles catering to diverse tastes and preferences. One of the keenest observers of this landscape, assistant editor Stephen Tailby, has curated his personal top five picks on PS5 and PS4, delivering experiences that range from indie phenomenons to narrative-driven epics.

Starting his list at number five, Stephen spotlights a quirky and inventive puzzle game called "Humanity." Developed by Enhance and tha ltd., it strikes as an avant-garde version of Lemmings, tasking players to direct a stream of human figures through obstacle-laden environments. It’s a game where your key commands are simple yet deeply engaging, gradually incorporating new rules to expand the puzzle mechanics. Its standout feature, according to Stephen, is its well-executed simplicity, combined with the creativity fostered through its level editor and an array of stages crafted by the community. "Humanity" manages to captivate without ever feeling overcomplicated.

Moving up to the fourth position, we have "Final Fantasy XVI," a title that surprised Stephen, someone not typically drawn to the long-standing series. While he acknowledges that the game is not without its flaws, such as empty open spaces and lackluster side missions, it excelled in delivering a gripping narrative with memorable characters, a sweeping soundtrack, and, most impressively, its real-time combat system. The thrill of fighting colossal bosses and experimenting with various Eikon abilities provided a gameplay experience that even rivaled the grandeur of other action titles like "God of War," marking it as a significant surprise on Stephen's gaming radar.

Third place is bestowed upon "Sea of Stars" from Sabotage Studio. As a follow-up to "The Messenger," this turn-based RPG infused with inspiration from the classics initially left Stephen apprehensive. However, after delving into its world and mechanics, his hesitation turned into sheer enjoyment. "Sea of Stars" boasts a combat system that captivated him—a remarkable feat considering his usual reservations about the genre. With an enthralling world and a narrative that intelligently weaves connections to "The Messenger," Stephen found himself so enveloped in the experience that he sought out every ending and even pursued additional playthroughs.

Next, at number two, we have "Marvel's Spider-Man 2" from Insomniac Games. Stephen considers it a joyous continuation of the Spider-Man series, despite it not diverging too drastically from its predecessors. He highlights the game's refined traversal mechanics, combat improvements, and stunning visuals with commendable animation, making it an effortlessly enjoyable blockbuster hit. The incorporation of web wings and the enchanting momentum of swinging through the city were standout moments that exemplify the game's thrilling and fluid movement mechanics.

At the top of the list, occupying the coveted number one spot, is the indie puzzler "Cocoon." Stephen's appreciation for "Cocoon" stems from its polished and meticulous design. The core gameplay concept revolves around exploring various environments contained within orbs that the character can warp between and carry along. With its progressive complexity and the clever expansion of its central gameplay idea, "Cocoon" provided a puzzle experience that feels both fresh and exceptionally well-crafted. The game eases players into its intricacies, and according to Stephen, no title in 2023 has impressed him more in terms of flawless execution and lean design than "Cocoon."

Stephen Tailby's game selections for the year showcase a passion for both ambitious, narrative-driven titles and minimalist, yet deep gameplay experiences. While these are his personal Game of the Year picks for PS5 and PS4, the gaming industry's continuous innovation ensures there are plenty of contenders vying for players' attention and admiration. Whether it's the grandeur of fantastical worlds or the elegance of intricate puzzle design, the games of 2023 stand as a testament to the creative prowess and diversity of the video game medium.

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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