Assistant editor Stephen Tailby reveals his personal favorite PS5 and PS4 games of 2023, ranging from indie puzzlers to blockbuster adventures.

Stephen's Top 5 PlayStation Games of 2023 Unveiled

As we look back at the games that defined the year 2023, it's important to note that preferences in gaming are as diverse as the titles that grace our consoles. Today, we get to glance through the list of the top five PlayStation games of 2023 as chosen by assistant editor Stephen Tailby, whose eclectic taste in games shines through his selection.

At number five, we find "Humanity," a game that at first glance promises simplicity but unveils its complexity in layers. Developed by Enhance and tha ltd., Humanity is described in terms that might recall the classic "Lemmings." As a god-like figure, the player directs a torrent of anthropoids through obstacle-laden stages. This game stands out with its minimalist approach that gradually incorporates new commands and puzzles, creating an experience that rewards strategic thinking. The addition of a level editor and a wellspring of community-made stages extends its playability beyond its core campaign, solidifying its place in Stephen's top five.

Moving up the list to number four is "Final Fantasy XVI," which despite Stephen’s lukewarm history with the Final Fantasy series, catches his interest and earns his praise. It's the real-time combat and monumental battles that captivate, offsetting any shortcomings in world decoration and quest depth. This installment of the storied franchise appears to have hit a sweet spot with its focus on action, character development, and a jaw-dropping soundtrack. Surprisingly to Stephen himself, the dynamic Eikon abilities and climactic boss encounters outshine even those in titans like "God of War," putting "Final Fantasy XVI" on his radar as a standout title.

"Sea of Stars" enters the list at number three, a turn-based RPG from Sabotage Studio, following their success with "The Messenger." Initially met with skepticism due to the departure from the developer's previous genre, "Sea of Stars" breaks through Stephen’s doubt, captivating him thoroughly. Its challenging yet engaging combat system and the richly crafted world, along with the narrative connections to "The Messenger," differentiate this game from its contemporaries. It seems to combine nostalgia with innovation in a way that hooks even those usually uninterested in its genre.

The runner-up in this year’s litany is "Marvel's Spider-Man 2," developed by Insomniac Games, and hailed as an exemplar of blockbuster gaming. While it doesn't necessarily reinvent the wheel, it refines what made the original so beloved. With exhilarating traversal mechanics – including the novel web wings that afford an even smoother swing through New York City – improved combat, and a gripping narrative, "Marvel's Spider-Man 2" deserves its place for pure fun factor alone. It’s a game that marries technical prowess with unadulterated entertainment.

Topping the list, and taking the crown as Stephen’s Game of the Year, is "Cocoon." This indie puzzle game impresses with its pitch-perfect design and execution. The unique mechanic involves navigating multiple environments contained within orbs, intermingling them in innovative ways to solve puzzles. The learning curve is crafted to perfection, allowing the player to adapt to increasing complexity almost imperceptibly. "Cocoon" embodies a meticulous design philosophy where every aspect feels purposeful and polished, marking it as the pinnacle of 2023's gaming offerings in Stephen’s estimation.

Each game on this list showcases a different aspect of what makes gaming a diverse and rich medium, from narrative depth and groundbreaking mechanics to innovative gameplay and sheer delight. Stephen's selection embraces a spectrum ranging from the indies to the AAA heavyweights, providing us with a microcosm of the year's gaming highlights. As the conversation continues, and others share their own noteworthy titles, it’s clear that 2023 was a vibrant year for gamers with varied tastes and preferences. Whether you gravitate toward the grandeur of fantasy epics, the intricacies of puzzle-solving, or the thrill of superhero escapades, there's evidently plenty to celebrate in the year’s gaming escapades.

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Darryl Polo

Hey there! I'm Darryl Polo, and I've been deep in the web design and blogging game for over 20 years. It's been a wild journey, evolving with the digital age, crafting websites, and sharing stories online. But hey, when I'm not behind the screen, you'll likely spot me rocking my all-time favorite kicks, the Air Jordan 4s. And after a day of design? Nothing beats unwinding with some Call of Duty action or diving into platformer games. It's all about balance, right? Pixels by day, platforms by night!

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