Move over, Valheim! Steam Next Fest’s newest gem "The Last Faith" is serving everything we love from Bloodborne and old school Castlevania in a grim 2D mashup.

Metroidvania's Next Big Thing: The Bloodborne-esque "The Last Faith!"

If "whip-cracking, demon slaying, gloomy adventure" sounds like a smashing Saturday night to you, then my good friend, you're in for a treat. Enter "The Last Faith," the unexpected star of this year's Steam Next Fest. The game is a gothic 2D Metroidvania with Bloodborne’s menacing atmosphere and old Castlevanias' classic appeal, tailor-made for thrill-seekers like yours truly.

The honorably named Kumi Souls Games, which pretty much gives away their inspiration source, develops the game. They set a pretty grim stage for Eryk, a memory-challenged warrior who could count as a more fashion-forward, socially distant relative of the Belmonts from Castlevania. Armed with a trusty whip and a stunning collection of crafty weapons, Eryk’s got a hint of Dark Souls in his stride. If you ask me, the starter axe is pure gold.

Our hero Eryk has an impressive jump and a crafty dodge-roll up his sleeve. Admittedly, you could liken the pacing of attacks to a snail race, but that just adds a refreshing touch of old-school challenge. Tactics and careful fight choreography play a significant part in getting past those nefarious pests.

Even though this game is like an extravagant gothic banquet for me, it's not without its cons. It's the classic demo struggle - those roadblocks could either lead to riveting mysteries or be simple demo limitations, like running into an endless hedge maze without a reward. And, you know, also the anxiety-inducing scarcity of healing items. Dear developers, I'm having Bloodborne flashbacks here.

Although, there's this cool healing maneuver called a Stigma that, when performed at the right time, can restore your health. The thing is, it's easier to find Dracula sunbathing than to get the timing perfect for that counter. And when you're clinging onto your last sliver of sanity, err... health, it's not exactly the kind of fun chaos I'm into.

There's definitely a learning curve to "The Last Faith." But its captivating world, full of dreadful enemies and mysterious landscapes, makes it weirdly addictive. It’s the kind of love-hate relationship that'll keep me coming back for more, one agonizing yet fascinating boss fight at a time. And it does indeed satiate the deep-rooted taste for a game that pairs Metroidvania's exploration delight with Bloodborne's brooding theme.+

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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