SAG-AFTRA members to strike from July 26, 2024, due to disputes over AI usage in video games, emphasizing protection of artistic integrity and rights.

Video Game Actors Strike Over AI Rights Concerns

Starting July 26, 2024, members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) are set to go on strike. This major action stems from unresolved issues regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in video games, impacting contracts and the fundamental way actors’ performances are used and compensated.

The decision to strike follows prolonged negotiations between video game performers, including voice actors, and leading game publishers like Activision, EA, Take-Two, among others. These discussions were aimed at reaching a new Interactive Media Agreement that would safeguard the performers’ work and rights. Unfortunately, these talks have consistently hit a wall, particularly around the application and control of AI technologies in video games.

SAG-AFTRA, on their official website, expressed the crux of their grievances. They pointed out the exploitation of their members’ work and likenesses through AI by video game companies, which have not committed, in "clear and enforceable language," to adequately protect the performers under this evolving technological landscape. The union is advocating not only for fair wages and safe working conditions but also for stringent regulations on how AI reproduces and potentially replaces human performances.

The core issue revolves around the unique artistic contributions of human actors. According to the union, the essence of personal experience, improvisation, and emotional depth that actors bring to their performances cannot be replicated by AI. They argue that generative AI tools, which can create performances based on existing data, lack the originality and human touch that bring characters to life in a relatable and meaningful way. The fear is that AI could eventually supplant human actors, rendering traditional acting skills obsolete in the gaming world.

In response to the stalled negotiations, SAG-AFTRA’s website has detailed the reasons for the impending strike, emphasizing the human element in performance art. They explain that actors, like all workers, deserve to work under conditions that respect their contributions and ensure their professional sustenance. This strike is portrayed not just as a battle for better contract terms, but as a fight for the recognition of human creativity and dignity in the face of rapidly advancing technologies that threaten to diminish it.

On the public front, SAG-AFTRA is rallying support using various social media platforms and urging supporters to use hashtags like #LevelUpTheContract, #VideoGameContract, and #SagAftraStrong. This digital activism is aimed at drawing public attention to the cause and pressuring the involved companies to revisit the negotiation table with a more actor-friendly approach.

The companies embroiled in this dispute — including giants like Disney, Insomniac Games, Warner Bros, alongside previously mentioned Activision and EA — have not yet publicly responded to the union’s latest statements. The industry is on edge, watching these developments closely, as any agreement or continued stalemate will set important precedents for the use of AI in entertainment.

SAG-AFTRA’s president, Fran Drescher, encapsulated the union's resolve: they refuse to consent to a contract that allows companies free rein over AI at the expense of their members. The striking actors stand ready to negotiate when the companies are prepared to offer terms that genuinely acknowledge and protect the rights and livelihoods of performers.

This strike highlights a pivotal moment not only for video game actors but for all creative professions. As AI technology weaves deeper into the fabric of creative media, the outcomes of such disputes will likely influence how all artists engage with and are compensated for their work in the digital age, marking a significant chapter in the ongoing dialogue between human creativity and technological advancement.

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John Hope

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