Classic strategy game Worms returns with a nostalgic collection, promising hours of explosive fun for strategy enthusiasts and fans of multiplayer mayhem.

Worms Collection 1: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Nostalgia has a peculiar way of enveloping us, especially when it comes to revisiting the games of our past. This sentiment is palpable in Worms Collection 1, a delightful walk down memory lane filled with strategy, comradery, and the explosive antics of those beloved anthropomorphic invertebrates. Since its simple beginnings on a Casio graphing calculator, Worms has grown into an iconic franchise, enchanting generations of gamers with its signature turn-based artillery gameplay.

The Worms experience is traditionally about strategy and fun, as players navigate terrain with their team of earth-dwelling warriors, trying to annihilate the opposing squads with an arsenal of comically oversized weapons. The charm of these games lies not only in the deeply tactical play but also in the shared joy that comes from going head to head with friends. The sense of humor, strategic depth, and sheer joy of launching a Holy Hand Grenade never seem to fade.

Worms Collection 1 checks all these boxes while also igniting that warm, fuzzy feeling that accompanies gaming relics. This collection leads players to rediscover the classic that started it all, though not through its original Commodore Amiga form. Instead, the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive port makes its way to the pack, an iteration that might differ visually and auditorily from what veterans recall but nonetheless provides that core Worms excitement. While the lack of mouse support and slight deviations from the original experience may be noticeable, it still stands as a testament to the simplicity and ingenuity of Worms' earlier days.

Next in line is Worms: Armageddon, the PlayStation adaptation known as the series' crowning achievement by many fans. Armageddon brings the Worms formula to a polished sheen with captivating graphics and an array of content. The single-player campaign, AI deathmatch, and particularly local multiplayer are where countless hours vanish into thin air. It's the highlight of this package, with a depth that potentially overshadows the limited number of titles included.

Despite these beloved features, it's worth noting that players might encounter lengthy loading times that can interrupt the pacing of the worm warfare. However, for the patient strategist, such minor inconveniences hardly detract from the joy of play, particularly when experiencing this classic on a modern console.

Additionally, the turn-based nature of the game means that even with a single Evercade EXP console, pass-and-play multiplayer is fully viable - just hand it over when your turn is done. But for those lucky enough to have access to the Evercade VS, the worms' battlefield can be brought to the big screen, enhancing the collective enjoyment during each player's turn and bringing out an even livelier shared experience.

Breaking away from tradition, Worms Blast takes us on a detour, this time blending the artillery mechanic with a Puzzle Bobble twist. This offshoot attempt to branch out the franchise might endear some with its unique approach but lacks the real Worms spirit that fans have come to love. Restrictive in nature, the GBA conversion of Worms Blast can only be enjoyed in two-player mode using the Evercade VS, making it a less versatile entry compared to its compatriots.

The collection does lean on the lighter side with just three titles and Worms Blast feeling somewhat out of place. But here lies an Easter egg for aficionados: those owning both Worms Collection 1 and the Team17 Collection 1 for the Evercade VS can unlock the Amiga version of Worms: The Director's Cut. This "hidden" game enhances the bundle's appeal with superior graphics and new weapons – albeit rendering the Mega Drive port somewhat extraneous.

Whether or not this bonus game is pivotal, Worms Collection 1 shines due to the sheer replayability and entertainment value of Worms and Worms: Armageddon. Newcomers and purists alike will find joy in revisiting these games, as they still manage to capture the strategic complexity and hilariously destructive chaos that makes the Worms series enduringly captivating. This collection is a cozy campfire for long-time fans, beckoning with the inviting glow of shared memories and the promise of new ones to be made.

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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